Friday, October 22, 2010


I think Chapter 8 that had to deal with general claims in general was quite confusing. It made sense when I read other people’s blogs about valid and invalid forms it makes sense, but when I try to explain it, it is really hard to. It’s really hard to explain things in words sometimes and they are better explained visually, like diagrams. 
General claims and their contradictions are very common. Words such as all, always, a lot, most, never are used to make your claim stronger when it really isn’t. An example of this would be I say that I’m always tired. Which really isn’t true because I’m not always tired. 
Vague generalities are similar to general claims. They talk about all or part of a collection without specifying a precise number (Epstein 171). An example would be me saying all guys are douchebags. This argument is invalid because all guys aren’t douchebags. 

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